Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Heat is On!

While it is certainly not as cold here as it is in New York (thought I heard it was nearly 66 yesterday), it is chilly, some days.  The other day my husband commented, "it really is starting to feel like fall," to which I responded, "it's about time it is December already!"

Fall is not as nice as it is in New York but I am enjoying the delayed onset. I hate the cold. I hate being cold. There is a reason I went to college in Miami, Florida.

I remember whenever I was with my dad, during the summer, he always had the air condition blowing at full blast. I was an icicle and he didn't seem to care.  And I hated it.  He reminded me that when he grew up he didn't have air conditioning.  Makes sense, give yourself and your kids what you didn't have yourself?

I guess I am doing for me what I felt by running my heat anytime I feel chilly.  I like it cozy warm. Not drowsy warm, but cozy.  You may come to our apartment and feel like it is a sauna, sorry, but I don't like being cold. It does not feel like Eilat thought, I can tell you that much.

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