Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tourist takes

Our first official visitor has arrived, stayed with us, traveled with us and has returned back to her home, in what we agreed, was a successful visit on all accounts. Our (great-great) Aunt came to get a glimpse of our everyday life.  She got that and a little R&R.  You'd have to ask her for her account of the visit but not having Shanghai on her list of places to travel to a year ago she was more than happy to come and see us, despite being on a plane for 15 hours (but really what is 3 more hours than Israel??)

The ERA Shanghai Acrobatic Circus, Jewish Shanghai Tour, boat ride on the Huang Pu River and views of The Bund, knock-off shopping, upscale shopping, foot massage, Xi'an and of course, if you know my Aunt, lots of projects.

When I asked my Aunt how she would describe her impressions of Shanghai, as I am very curious of others' impressions now that I have adjusted, she said "Gobsmacked".  Her reaction of Shanghai has got me rethinking my impressions of Washington, DC.

According to Google (for whatever that is worth) the population of Washington, DC is about 660,000.  When I think of DC I think Nations Capitol, Monuments, Politics (blah), the Smithsonian, the White House. All these are HUGE iconic locations in US history and are very central in the history and development of our country.

But really in the perspective of the world and where I am right now, my mind is recalibrating

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