Monday, June 15, 2015

Semester's over...opps I mean it's just June

I am feeling reminiscent of my school days.  The teachers counting down to summer vacation, the parents and kids talking about where they are traveling for the summer, what camp, family plans, who is repatriating back to the States (sadly, friends we have become very close with while we are here are moving back to the States).  Shanghai may not have clear air but the people are clearing out for summer.

I was a little bit in denial of it when I first heard people talking about there "summer plans" when we arrived in March.  We were advised it is best to be out of the country for August.  Apparently it is brutal here; between the heat, humidity, air quality people get out of town.  Clearly it's a great reason to come to the States to see family but how long is long enough to be away to see everyone you'd like and not too long where you are eager to get back to your apartment (ask me at the end of August and I'll let you know, follow up post to come).  But then we heard people were leaving mid-July and then end of June.  People really leave for the entire summer, semester's over time to move out of the dorms! So we are preparing to leave for the summer also.  With mixed feelings of leaving the routine and lifestyle we have finally gotten used to and excitement to see family we are nearing booking our tickets for 8 weeks in the States (based btn South Jersey, West Chester and CT).

Meanwhile semester is wrapping up.  Today is pajama day (somebody's FAVORITE day of the year) at school, tomorrow backwards day and Wednesday swim day,  The end of year show was last week, as people were leaving and missing the last full week of school.  And who wouldn't want to miss a performance with this?

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