Thursday, January 28, 2016

What will $15 get you in China (the equivalent of 100 RMB)

The 100 RMB which is the Chinese Yuan or the renminbi is the official currency of the People Republic of China. The 100 RMB is basically like the US $20 bill.  From the ATM, generally the money is dispersed in 100's.  And much like 20 dollar bills, they seem to go easy and fast.

What does 100 RMB get you in China?

4.5 cups of Starbucks Tall Americano
1/3 of a 60 minute Pilate's class (assuming you are taking it with 2 of your friends)
3 hair washes and blowouts at the salon (included ear cleaning, back, neck and head massage;
   no tip needed)
About 6 one way rides to my son's school in a taxi which comes down to ($2.30 a ride people!!!)
1.5 jars of maple syrup at the imported supermarket
40 cans of Diet Coke or Seltzer
1 meal a Chabad includes chicken/beef/fish dish and a side of fries/salad/rice
4 organic Pomelo's
2 unlimited metro passes for 72 hours of travel (45RMB each)
33 rides on the metro at 3RMB a ride beats NYC, cleaner and more prompt with countdown clocks
3 hours of babysitting (about 30-35RMB per hour)
64 Pampers diapers
3 scoops of Hagen Daiz ice cream

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