Sunday, March 8, 2015

What a Difference a Week Makes....

It has been 8 days since we left for Shanghai from NYC.  We lost a Sunday on our way traveling and some how seemed to have made it up this week.  We were very ambitious, or that's the impression I am getting from people here, to anticipate being able to move into our long term residence so quickly.  Well it was a Friday miracle!  After searching nearly 15 apartments all day Monday and Tuesday, one nicer than the next (for the most part), we narrowed down and moved into our new China home.

We found a beautiful 3 bedroom (plus a small closet for the would be maid's room), 2.5 full bathrooms, kitchen with a new oven (so no issues kashering) and a washer/dryer in the actually apartment. Yes, I know, it will be an adjustment already moving back to NY to our 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment.

We spent out first Sunday in Shanghai at Ikea. It was very comforting to walk in and it be the same mazy store they make you walk thru, with similar pricing as the States and overall a successful trip in finding furnishings and knick knacks to make our home feel more like home. Our air shipment is going thru customs and should arrive in the next 2-3 weeks.  1,000 lbs of "we must bring this with us in our move to China".

As for food, we are not wasting away...yet.  We've been relying on the local Chabad restaurant for meals (usually linner (not quiet lunch/not quiet dinner) until we fully navigate the recommended supermarkets that carry imported AND kosher products.  Trying to get into a groove. In the meantime, the time difference has been working toward our advantage, especially with jet-lagged little ones (hoping the worst is behind us). We are officially 12 hours ahead of NYC easy to figure out for those that are mathematically challenged.

The language, as anticipated is a major barrier.  We are trying our best to nod politely and say che-che (thank you in Mandarin) as we learn the necessary terms to get around.  People have been very friendly and patient with us, which helps.  Google translate is VERY helpful.


  1. Please post pictures of your apartment (especially the washer/dryer!) so we can drool over your square footage! :-)
